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We believe in the grace of God, the saving power of Christ, the gift of the Holy Spirit, the power of prayer, the Word of God in the written scriptures, and the strength of our unity in Christ.  We hold to no creeds or dogma, but accept new members upon their confessions of faith.  We believe all members are ministers with unique gifts, talents, callings and ministries.


We come from various backgrounds and represent differing theological beliefs, but we are joined together in One Body in Christ.  Jesus as the One who holds us together, inspires us, guides and leads us as His followers.  We invite you to contact us with any questions you might have. 


About us


Welcome to the website of First Christian Church of Marshall!  Whether you come here at the invitation of a friend or neighbor, as a visitor from out of town, or in search of the church that best fits your needs and gifts, I am delighted to welcome you!  This congregation has been a leader in the Christian community of Marshall since its founding in 1842.  We have a rich history spanning three different buildings, the Civil War (and all wars since), a fire which once consumed our sanctuary,  20 senior ministers, hundreds of thousands members, and much more! 


First Christian Church is not merely a brick building located on a corner of the town square at 130 N. Jefferson, it is above all else people – people sharing the belief that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God; people who join together in ministry, in worship, in fellowship, and in missions to love God, love each other, and love others.  As rich as our history is, we are even more excited about the future and where God is leading us today and tomorrow. 



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